Complementary fulfillment services
- physical security
- remote surveillance
- cleaning of firm and offices
- event security
- complex estate management
- reception and porter services
- and more...
Contact us about complementary fulfillment services which our company offers for 2016. They may also be combined. Thus you fulfill the legally established duty of employment of OHS. You will get useful supporting services for you company, support employment of workers with altered working abilities and save on the fee to the state. Our company has enough workers and branches throughout the Czech Republic.
Meet your mandatory ratio for 2016
We are ready to supply complementary fulfillment services even in 2016. Every organization which has more than 25 workers is obliged to employ workers with altered working abilities (OHS) to the legally set mandatory ratio of 4% of the entire number of employees. In case this ratio is not met a fee to the state budget has to be paid.
Complementary fulfillment options
Complementary fulfillment is an elegant and cost-effective solution for bigger companies. If you cannot employ workers with altered working abilities in your company and at the same time want to save on the fee to the state, complementary fulfillment is the ideal solution. All that needs to be done is to place an order at the supplier with more than 50% OHS employees. SIPADAN a.s. is such a provider. We are able to ensure professional security, cleaning and organizational services according to your needs.
Contact us:
Look where all our branches are located and order our services according to your region. We operate throughout the Czech Republic.