Glossary of compulsory employment of OHS

Everything about the mandatory ratio

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

The degree responsibility differs with every company depending on their company strategy, aims and culture. It includes the approach to customers and business partners, environmental protection, expansion of employment and promotion of protected labour markets and social integration, e.g. the employment of persons with disabilities (OHS)  

ZOZ - Law no. 435/2004 Coll., On Employment

This law governs the mandatory share in employing OHS, namely its Part Three. Current conditions of this law are valid from 1.1. 2012. ZOZ is supplemented by Degree no. 518/2004.

Decree no. 518 ZoZ

This degree complements the Employment Act and establishes a method for calculating the number of employees, from which the mandatory share and further complementary fulfillment are calculated.


A person with a disability is an individual who is recognized by the Social Security as disabled in the first, second or third extent.


Seriously handicapped person, also OHS with 3rd degree of invalidity


Seriously handicapped person with a guide


Person with working disability – today those terms are no longer valid. The status of ZPS person was changed in 2004 for the status of a person with altered working ability. The OZZ status will lose its validity in 31.12.2014

Sheltered Workshop 

This term was used before the new Employment Act r. 2012. Sheltered Workshop was defined as a workplace based on the basis of the employer's agreement with the Labour Office and adapted to employ people with disabilities. The condition for such status was the fact that OHH formed at least 60% share in the annual number of employees. Since 1.1. 2012 to simplify administration this term was established as prodected workplace.

Protected workplace 

Protected workplace is a workplace which was created by the employer for a person with altered working condition based on a written contract with Employment Office.

Mandatory ratio

Mandatory ratio is based on a statutory obligation to employ persons with disability. This ratio is valid for all employers who employ more than 20 workers. The mandatory ratio of OHS is 4% of the whole number of employees. It may be fulfilled by direct employing of OHS or in form of complementary fulfillment or a fee to the state, possibly the combination of the two.

Complementary fulfillment

One of the three ways to fulfill the mandatory ration of employing OHS workers. Complementary fulfillment may be executed in form of collecting services or goods from a company which employs more than 50% OHS workers. It is also possible to place an order in such companies.

Fee to the state

One of the three possibilities of fulfilling the mandatory ratio on employing OHS workers. 

Deadline for fulfilling mandatory share

Based on the law, the fulfillment of the mandatory ratio for the monitored calendar year has to be presented at the local Labour Office on the 15.2 of the following year the latest.

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